Title: Ministry of Health and Wellness Annual Technical Report 2021 and Operational Plan 2022-2023

TypeAnnual Report
TitleMinistry of Health and Wellness Annual Technical Report 2021 and Operational Plan 2022-2023
Key WordsAnnual Technical Report 2021 and Operational Plan 2022-2023
ExcerptOver the past two years, the Ministry of Health and Wellness has made the response to the Covid19 pandemic a priority. Most resources were re-directed to this response and to the safety of staff, patients and communities. The pandemic has also highlighted the many gaps within the health system. Some of these gaps include the lack of trained medical and nursing personnel in areas of respiratory care and intensive care, the lack of a public health emergency budget, the lack of medical supplies (PPEs), the lack of modern medical equipment and the lack of adequate infrastructure. The threat of emerging diseases and climate change place emphasis on continued surveillance of diseases. It is also inclusive of training key personnel in areas of surveillance of health systems to monitor and evaluate existing programs, to respond to outbreaks in a timely and adequate manner for efficient case investigations.
Date Enacted2022-06-01

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