Title: Ministry of National Defence and Border Security Annual Technical Report 2021

TypeAnnual Report
TitleMinistry of National Defence and Border Security Annual Technical Report 2021
Key WordsAnnual Technical Report 2021
ExcerptA combined two thousand soldiers from Belize Defence Force and five hundred sailors from the Belize Coast Guard face the challenges and embrace National Defence as their primary function to protect and safeguard all those living in Belize. Our national security forces are an instrument and expression of Belize’s military power. The decisions made within the Security sector demand courage, bravery and strength of body, mind, and character to regularly address those actors who would challenge the security of our nation by land, sea, or air. The three goals of the ministry are meant to give life to the Ministry’s mission and vision and to mitigate challenges that arise in this process and are aligned with the Government of Belize’s Medium-Term Plan, #PlanBelize. #PlanBelize has become the focal objective to see Belize strengthen its administrative weaknesses and chart a way forward in Good Governance, Transparency and Ethics.
Date Enacted
Categories(s)Border Security, National Defence, Belize Coast Guard

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