Title: Minsitry of Economic Development Annual Technical Report 2021

TypeAnnual Report
TitleMinsitry of Economic Development Annual Technical Report 2021
Key WordsAnnual Technical Report 2021
ExcerptThe Ministry of Economic Development’s assumes a leadership role in formulating and recommending national development policies, strategies, and programs to promote macroeconomic stability, sustainable socioeconomic development and the reduction of poverty. MED houses three units: the Policy and Planning Unit (PPU), Climate Finance Unit, and the Belize—European Union Cooperation. The PPU has managed millions of dollars in funding for projects ranging from COVID relief and sustainable energy initiatives to climate-smart agriculture and extensive infrastructure schemes. The Belize—European Union Cooperation has garnered support in providing technical assistance for software, IT and digital infrastructure initiatives, as well as socio-economic development and rural transformation projects. The Climate Finance Unit (CFU) operationalized in January 2022 is the Nationally Designated Authority to the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund allowing the CFU to maximize Belize’s access to climate finance.
Date Enacted2022-06-01
Categories(s)Economic Development, Poverty Reduction, climate finance, Economic Stability

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